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Image by mimi lalaa

Why did I start this journey? Well, I am a registered nurse and I specialize in mental health. I have a long-standing history of mental health and substance abuse issues in my family, community as well within myself. I have always been gravitated to people’s “issues” and wanting to know how to “fix them”. It took a while for me to understand that I had no power to fix anyone but I could help empower them to do the work within themselves. 


Throughout my journey of pre and post salvation, I’ve found out that the only person who can make me whole is Jesus. However, God has afforded a lot of resources to help us heal along the way one of those things being therapy which I am an avid advocate for. It has allowed me a safe space to share my vulnerabilities and change my mindset about things I’ve struggled with for a very long time.  

Throughout this journey I would like to share with you some helpful tips and resources on how to navigate through your everyday life as you not only discover yourself but as you further develop your spiritual, mental and physical strength as well-being.


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