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My name is Falicia affectionately referred to as Fee. I wear many hats and titles in my life but the one that allows be to flow in all of my abilities the best is Born Again Believer. I surrendered my life to God in October of 2013 and I have not looked back since except to see how far God has brought me.


Since giving my life to God, I have been allowed to operate in so many of my gifts from being a poet, author, speaker, teacher, and intercessor. Here at NurseMyHealth I want this platform to allow the very hand of God to nurse you back to healing, to nurse you back to wholeness and to nurse you back to HEALTH. 

My desire is for all those who are connected to me, to experience the power of God in their lives so much so, that they may go on to their everyday lives and impact their families, their community and the World! I pray you will leave with all the necessary tools to help you to elevate in your mental health, physical health and most of all your spiritual well-being. Because ultimately it is not just “who” we are but whose we are.

God is into the details and I want you to know, if he did it for me, I know He can do it for you. 


…And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What shall we then say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8: 30-31


I'm Fee 

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